Author Archives: Todd Meredith

Technology can make fundraising a lot easier

Technology can make fundraising a lot easier.  But don’t let it become the only money making tool in your shed.  According to Association Meetings Magazine, only 12% of emails are actually opened.  Compare that to 92% of direct mail that’s opened.

The “0’s and 1’s” of digital technology can’t replace the passion that a donor feels from the “Oohs and Ahhs” of tried and true fundraising tools like High Dollar Direct Mail, Special Events and Face to Face meetings.  Don’t limit yourself to just one tool.  Use your entire arsenal.  Using various channels of communication will ensure that you get a qualified donor hooked on your message.

High Dollar Direct Mail production is our specialty and I’d love to talk to you about your project.  But if you just need someone to run a fundraising idea by please let me help.  I have over 25 years of Political Fundraising and Non-Profit fundraising experience from direct mail to special events.  Consider me one of your resources to champion your cause!